Monday, August 9, 2010


I respect people's right to smoke, I do.... I do not respect the fact that some smokers do not give me the respect I give them. I am living in a townhouse, very close quarters for everyone. We enjoy opening our windows during the summer so our electricity bill isn't sky high. We recently got new neighbors that smoke. They smoke so much that my kids upstairs window has to be closed and our sliding glass door has to be closed. I'm frustrated and not sure what can be done about it. The smell of cigarettes makes me gag.... If you want to smell bad and kill yourself please feel free... if you are smoking so much my kids smell it I may have to kill you a little sooner than the cigs will. ;) Not really, my mother in law smokes and it smells horrible but she respects people enough to not do it around them. Please smokers, keep your killer stench to yourself. Put a freakin bag over your head while you smoke so you get twice the smoke you expected. Just think about it, you would have to buy 1/2 the cigs because you get twice the smoke! I'm a freakin genious!!!!!! I need to go on the road with this one!

OHHH... Just think if you have a bag over your head you are killing yourself in half the time it would take otherwise too. THAT would mean you would be spending a QUARTER of what you would if you smoked without a bag on your head! ooohhh I'm going to invent said bag! I guess this nasty habit can make me money... In the mean time, hopefully, the property managers will take care of our smoking problem.

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